Monday, April 23, 2012


i don't think of you anymore.
 not in the dark of night
 not when i lie alone in my bed
 i don't think of you anymore.
 not when i smell your scent
 carried in the breeze
 not when our song comes on the radio
 and plays in my heart.
 i don't think of you anymore.
 not when i gaze at your picture
 lopsided in a broken frame
 reflection of my broken heart.
 NO i don't think of you anymore.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


out of nowhere it came
yet i could not delete it
from my mind.
it followed me
it stalked me
there was no
escaping it.
it surprised me
with its intensity
with its determination.
i could not shake it
i could not forget it
i could not let it go.
so i embraced it
i tasted it
-a bittersweet memory of you.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


everybody who died
first lived.
everyone who takes
did they first give.
every story
has an ending
and every ending
had a beginning.
every star
burns bright
at night.
but they all disappear
come morning light.
every door
eventually closes
so somebody
please tell me
does two wrongs
ever make it right.

Monday, April 9, 2012


blotted with tears
crumbled paper
printed block
of fear.
envelope addressed
no postage needed
thoughts to nowhere
digitally tweeted.
rain of hope
sun of dreams
nothing in this life
is as it seems.

Monday, April 2, 2012


love me not
with hesitation
nor with regret.
love me not
or in certain seasons.
love me not
nor as a possession.
love me not
but thru
good times and bad.
love me not
in shadows
but also
in sunlight.
love me not
for pleasure
nor for self gratification.
love me not
as a reflection
but as i am. me UNCONDITIONALLY!