Thursday, December 27, 2012


when you feel
the breeze
in the wind
when you look
at a sunset
that never ends
when you hear
the laughter
of a child
when you think
back and can't
help but to smile.
when you see
birds in flight
in the air
when you carry on
without a care
when you hold
your loved ones
in your arms
and ask God
to keep them
safe from all harm
When you feel 
The breeze 
In the wind
Think of me
Then think again.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


thru the silence
of my pain
thru the sun
and pouring rain
thru the cracks
of my
fractured heart
thru the end
and thru
the start
thru my laughter
thru my tears
thru my triumphs
thru my fears
thru the silence
of my pain
i arise to love again.